Raising Chickens
for Beginners


by Isabelle Esch

Welcome to raising chickens for beginners, in this article series I will be going through all of the basics and answering questions that many people have about raising chickens.

A few of the topics we will be covering will be chicken breeds, where to buy chickens, the best chicken feed, natural chicken health, broody hens, building your chicken coop, protecting your chickens, getting a rooster, and more.

When you get started it can be confusing, and a little overwhelming, but I’m here to help you get the best start on your chicken raising journey. When you are done with this series you will be ready to get started and buy your first chickens.

What do you need to know about raising chickens?

We will be covering everything and anything you need to know about raising chickens for the first time.

The first topic we will cover is chicken breeds. The first step to buying chickens is to decide what kind you want, there are so many, it can get confusing, but that’s why I’m here. So be sure to check out that article.

Another topic we will go over is the best chicken feed, there are so many kinds of feed, its hard to know what kind to buy, and how do you know you didn’t pay for low quality feed?

The feed you buy can improve the quality of you flock, or damage it, so be sure to check out that article as well.

We will also cover natural chicken health, chickens can get sick too, and when they do, you don’t want to pump them full of chemicals every time, especially if you want meat or eggs!

We will go over the natural way to prevent and get rid of sicknesses that can ruin your flock. So check that out.

One more topic we will cover is building your chicken coop, your coop is important for the safety of your chickens, as well as their happiness.

One of the key parts of chicken care is to keep them happy, happy chickens lay eggs, grow well, and don’t hurt each other.

Although there is a lot to know, you don’t need to know everything right away, many things you will learn along the way, and I have learned that no matter how long you have been living, you are always learning.

I hope these articles help you to get all the information you need to get started, and I wish you good luck on your chicken raising journey.

Attention Homesteaders: Get your chicken coop, shed, and barn plans here.

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